Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

My Cinderela Story

I felt like a Cinderella ... With different versions of course. Cinderella which I knew, was the girl who has a step mother and her evil step sister. But I'm grateful still have both biological parents even if they are separated because of their work. Similarity is that I really felt alone like her. My father, he was busy with his job. I know he loves me.I just can't understand how the way he loves me. I love him and always tried to obey his orders. But many things that made me feel like I can't be his daughter. He always asked me to be like anyone else who he considered perfect. Sometimes I have to pretend to be my cousin, sometimes I have to pretend to be someone else. I never refuse. I tried to keep his desires. I just can't believe why he never felt satisfied. He wanted me as smart as my cousin. I proved it by being the best on campus. But, he was never proud of me. He never knew that I was different with everyone. I love her. I just have other way to make him happy without having to be someone else. Because my father never gave me the freedom and equal rights, as the people he proud of. I always considered like a little girl with a million rules and restrictions. I want to be like the others. Who can decide what they want. but the truth is I never got the confidence to decide the way of life that I choose. I know he always gives the best for me. But should i do this way? My mother is very different from my father. I love her more than anything else. She is my idol, my best friend, my brother, and everything to me. I always tell her anything. About my school, my friend, my experiences, my love story, a lot of things. And she was always willing to listen, gave me advice when I need, comfort me when I hesitated, always besides me when i sad and happy. I'm proud to be her daughter. Althoughs he and I separated a short distance so far, we have always felt close. And I miss her very much. Every heard of her, seeing the other kids could be with his family, I always cry. I'm jealous. I feel why I can not like other children? But I never want her cry because of me. She only can cry because she proud of me. And that's why I always try to be the best anywhere. Because I want her to be proud of me. I've always wanted my dad proud of me too. But I know that it is too impossible. I just wish my mother proud of me. Nothing more than that. I had two brother who always makes me cry. I love them. I never able to just scold or hit them. But somehow, they always try to make me cry with their behavior. Honestly, I feel like i'm a bad sister. I never could advise them, guide them. Not that I do not want to do it. I just not ready with all their rude words against me.My family are also different. In banyuwangi, I'm always happy. They was never order me to be someone else. In there, I'm free to be myself. But here, unluckily,everything are different. I was never be a favorite grandchild or a person they can be proud. Whatever they do, I still love them. The difference of me and cinderella is cinderella have a prince who loved him wholeheartedly. And me, I'm just an ordinary girl who think is impossible to get someone who can love me completely. I never asked for a prince to love me. I just want someone love me wholeheartedly someday.Cinderella have a happy ending. And I, I'm still waiting for the end of my story....

Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Puber Kedua

Yap diartikel ini aku mau berbagi pengalaman tentang puber kedua. Apa sih itu? Actually aku juga gak begitu tahu ada yang namanya puber kedua. Karena yang kita sama-sama tahu, puber itu rata-rata dialamin oleh para remaja ABG atau yang sekarang disebut dengan remaja labil. But, puber kedua yang aku maksud bukanlah puber anak remaja yang beranjak dewasa. Coz it's normal for us. Yang aku maksud adalah puber disaat usia sudah tua tidak muda lagi.Dan hal ini awalnya gak aku percaya. Aku pikir masa sih iya ada yang kayak gitu. But sampai anggota keluarga aku sendiri yang ngalamin, aku baru percaya tha'ts true. Yap objek yang aku bicarain adalah orang terdekatku yang termasuk keluargaku dan yang mengagetkan, That's my Mommy!!!! Aku sih awalnya udah agak curiga sama perilaku mamaku yang rada berbeda. Dulu mamaku termasuk orang yang gak romantis. Suami istri kan biasanya punya panggilan kesayangan, tapi mamaku males sama namanya panggilan aneh-aneh kayak gitu. Trus mamaku juga paling sebel kalo ayah udah sok romantis ke mamaku. Dan sekarang malah gantian. Tapi yang biki gak wajar adalah cara nyampeinnya. Unik, ala-ala anak abg labil jaman sekarang gitu. Oh my God..... Ampun deh sama kelakuannya. Mulai dari bikin facebook. Yap mommy aq ikut-ikutan bikin facebook. Awalnya aku pikir wajar karena banyak juga orang sekarang udah dewasa tapi punya facebook. Yang aneh adalah namanya. Nama khas remaja alay jaman sekarang. What a pity.... Aku cuma mikir nih mommy ku kenapa alay nya ngalah-ngalahin anak ABG sekarang? Aku sih gak ngelarang mamaku kayak gitu karena aku juga pernah alay, ya walaupun gak se-alay mommy aku. Aku pun pake nama alay dulu karena sebel udah pake nama asli malah dibilang alay sama temen SMK aku. Pas sebutin nama asliku malah dibilang "Kamu itu bikin nama sendiri ya? Kok alay banget namanya?" What????? Aku shock tingkat dewa dibilang gitu. Ya resiko punya nama unik sih. Akhirnya ya udah aku sekalian ajah pake nama alay walaupun sebenernya nama itu juga mirip sama nama asliku. Tapi sekarang sih udah tobat. But mommy aku gak tahu kapan tobatnya pake nama alay. Setelah itu yang aneh adalah cara sms mommy aku ke ayahku. Yap ala-ala ABG yang pacaran gitu. Ayah sebel lah sama sms mommy aku yang menurut ayah gak sesuai umur dan kayak anak ABG. Oh my God... Help me. Aku ajah kalah alay sama mommy aku...ckckckck